Tag Archives: ” Life Magazine
Ralph Ellison, Gordon Parks: Photographers
Sept 18, 2014 The photos, under the title “A Man Becomes Invisible,” were in Life Magazine, 25 August 1952, close on the heels of novel’s publication earlier that year, on April 14. It was a coup. Parks had been a … Continue reading
Posted in African-American literature, collaboration, Photography, Race
Tagged " Life Magazine, "From Harlem is Nowhere", Farm Security Administration, Gordon Parks, Harlem, Invisible Man, James Baldwin, LaFargue Psychiatry Clinic, Langston Hughes, Lorraine Hansberrry, Magazine of the Year, Ralph Ellison, Richard Avedon, Richard Wright, Roy DeCarava
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Street Scene: Langston Hughes, Kurt Weill, Elmer Rice
July 11, 2012 It started out as a play by Elmer Rice: a Broadway run of 601 shows, the Pulitzer Prize in 1929, the movie in 1931. Kurt Weill saw it in Berlin, both the play and the film, and … Continue reading
Posted in adaptation, African-American literature, Arts communities, Broadway plays, Cities, collaboration, Dance, Ethnicity, film medium, Interdisciplinarity, jazz, lyric, Media, Modernist poetry, Music, Remediation, Theater, Twentieth century literature, world literature, YouTube videos
Tagged " Anna Sokolow, " Life Magazine, "Lonely House, "Moon-faced, Abbey Lincoln, Berlin, blues, Broadway, Elmer Rice, Harlem, jazz, Kurt Weill, Langston Hughes, Musical Digest, Pultizer Prize, Starry-Eyed, Street Scene