Tag Archives: South Africa
Rene Marie and Thomas Pynchon: Dixie/Strange Fruit, Mason & Dixon
August 15, 2012 Thanks to Ron Fritts, I learn this week that Rene Marie also has a version of “Strange Fruit” – a mashup, joint with the Confederate anthem, “Dixie.” Is it meant to be ironic? Marie doesn’t think so. … Continue reading
Posted in Africa, African-American literature, African-American music, Cities, collaboration, Ethnicity, Global South, Music, Race, Racial violence, Remediation, Remix, Science, slavery, World history, YouTube videos
Tagged "Strange Fruit, Cape Town, Charles Mason, Confederacy, Daniel Decatur Emmett, Dixie, Jeremiah Dixon, Knox County, mashup, Mason & Dixon, Mason-Dixon line, Ohio, Rene Marie, Ron Fritts, Snowden family, South Africa, Thomas Pynchon, transit of Venus, Wikipedia
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