Tag Archives: Nelson Mandela
The Writer and the Politician
December 11, 2013 They had first met in Cairo, in 1961, when she was working for “The Arab Observer,” an English-language weekly, and married to Vusumzi Make. Make and Mandela were political enemies, as were their organizations — the Pan Africanist … Continue reading
Posted in Africa, Atlantic, contemporary poetry, Global South, YouTube videos
Tagged African National Congress, B. DuBois, Carro, Encyclopedia Africana, Ghana, Henry James, Herbert Asquith, Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela, Nkame Nkrumah, Pan Africanist Congress, Robben Island, Vusumzi Make, W. E
Beyond a Boundary: C. L. R. James in Glasgow
May 13, 2013 Scotland and the Caribbean? The architecture of Glasgow tells a dramatic story. Here, in the center of town, is the many-pillared Gallery of Modern Art, monumental even for a museum, which used to be the … Continue reading
Posted in Americas, architecture, Atlantic, Caribbean literature, Cities, Colonization, Contemporary Art, film medium, Global South, oceans, Race, scale, slavery, Sports, Twentieth century literature, Universities
Tagged African National Congress, Atlantic trade, BBC, Beyond a Boundary, C. L. R. James, Cambridge University, cricket, F W de Klerk, Gallery of Modern of Modern Art, Guradian, John Arlott, Middlesex, Mike Brearley, Mike Dibb, Nelson Mandela, Robert Hill, Scotland, Selma James, Sout Africa, suger cane, tobacco, University of Glasgow, West Indies, William Cunninghame
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