Tag Archives: Ahab
Reflections on the Conference
It’s now just shy of three weeks past April 19 and I’m still lingering on the papers presented and conversations had at the first American Literature in the World graduate student conference. “Linger” seems appropriate to my mode of contemplation … Continue reading
Posted in Educational institutions, Europe, macro politics, museums, Native-American literature, Nineteenth-century literature, World history
Tagged "Conjectures on World Literature", "Spiritual Marshall Plan for Europe", Ahab, Ben Bascom, Franco Moretti, Hadji Bakara, Herman Melville, Ishmael, John Ames Mitchell, Las Meninas, Moby-Dick, Native Americans, New Left Review, Oliver Baker, Red Army Faktion, Robert M. Hutchins, The Last American, Weatherman, Wynema
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Octavia Butler, Margaret Atwood: Martians and Others
February 27, 2013 ‘Moby-Dick’ is about the oil industry, and the Ship of American State… The mates are the middle management. The harpooners, who are from races colonized by America one way or another, are supplying the expert tech labor. … Continue reading
Posted in African-American literature, Canada, Colonization, Comparative literature, Contemporary literature, print medium, Race, Science fiction, Twentieth century literature, Wars
Tagged Ahab, David Foster Wallace, Edith Wharton, Lilith's Brood, Margaret Atwood, Martians, Moby-Dick, Oankali, Octavia Butler, Pequod, Pquod, Raymond Carver, Xenogeneis
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